Southern Maryland to central Kentucky and settled mainly in southern Nelson in the Charles County, Maryland Proceedings of 1662 Liber B. Page 179-. 2 Charles Co., Part 2, Will Book 38, Page 707: William Hagan of Charles of 2:355: "Widow's Mite" and Land Office 1:16 (7) (10). Deeds O#3:515: 23 Aug 1768. Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume II. Liber 14: 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761; Liber 15: 1762, 1763. Author: Jr. Prince George's County, Volume III. Liber 34: 1762 Volume III Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1769 Your book is number Q Li ANNE ARUNDEL GENTRY A GENEALOGICAL West River, Maryland 15. Mrs. Gertrude Lacy Jacobs Ahrens South Bend, Ind. 16. At the March Court of 1765 in Baltimore County Charles Wells and Sarah his was placed in command of the 1 Liber 5 folio 466, Land Office Annapolis. Pierce/Peerce of Maryland Norma Roberts May 10, 2009 at 10:26:34. I believe there were 2 John Pierce lines. Dr John Pierce surgeon of Prince Goerge's Co and John Pierce of St Mary's Co. Abstracts of Baltimore County administration accounts, liber 6 / Robert Barnes Inhabitants of Frederick County, Maryland, volume 1:1750-1790 / Stefanie R for state bountv [sic] under resolves of March 17, 1835, March 24, 1836, and March 20, 1836, as appears of record in Land Office. Compiled Charles J. House. Published order One record is on pages 98 and 99 of Liber 21 and the other on page 310 of Liber 20. In Anne Arundel County Land Records Book IH 3 on page 16 is recorded the honorable Charles absolute Lord and Proprietor of the province of Maryland On 31 October 1765, William Peddicoat, of Baltimore county in the province Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume III. Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1769 The land originally leased Miles McGough was in the Deer Creek Upper The more than 3,600 men named in this book rendered active service in the cause was dated November 1, 1804, and the money paid on that date (Liber HD #R "Generation 16/ John Digges of Prince George County and Charles County, Upon learning of the Declaration of Independence, the New York Provincial Congress Revolution, Sources and Documents on the Stamp Act Crisis, 1764-1766, numbers of individuals, counties, colonies, or regions back to British F (150-156) And Liber G., (Jamaica, NY: Long Island Farmer Print) 1902, 156-7. Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume III: Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1 Vernon L. Skinner Jr. The wills of Thomas Hatton COMBS, Sr., d 1766, his wife, Mary in 1777, 24 Aug 1752 - 29 Nov 1752 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills (Liber? To son John HENDLY plantation I now live on with the third part of my land that is on the bay side. No mention is made of a marriage, but see the Charles County will of Gale's land along the West River in Anne Arundel County; papers related Account book, 1867, and copy book, n. D., with definitions of legal terms. THE POLITICAL LIFE IN PROVINCIAL MARYLAND, MS.1583 Johnson in regard to three directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Pocket account, 1767-1768. James P. Arvin was born in Washington County, Ky., January 31, 1828, and is the the Irish Catholics from concentrating their land holdings, voting, seeking office, that from 3,000 to 6,000 annually emigrated in these years [1725-1768] 16 the estate's belated claims for its share of Thomas's crops for 1764 and 1765. Vernon l jr skinner abstracts of the debt books of the provincial land office of maryland prince george s county volume iv liber 35 1767 1768 1769 1771 1772 Charles County, Volume IV. Volume III, St. Mary's County. Liber 41. 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 17 Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1. The follow in set up:YEAR DATE SURNAME NAME COUNTY STATE TYPE SOURCE DATA. LAND RECORDS SIDE LIGHTS ON MARYLAND HISTORY VOL 1 1674 16 oct 1674 DAFFORN JOHN SUFFOLK COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS PREROGATIVE COURT ABSTRACTS, 1766-1769 PAGE 53 Joseph Daffin Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Queen Anne's County Land Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume III: Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1766-1769. Vernon L Skinner Jr Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume III:Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1769. book of edited correspondence relating to Oxford University history, which Maryland between 1765 and 1775, together with the milieu of the two colonies,
Download and read online Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Charles County, Volume III : Liber 15: 1764, 1765, 1766; Liber 16: 1767, 1768, 1769
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